Tuesday Photo Challenge – Row

Dutch goes the Photo!

Welcome to Week 121 of the Tuesday Photo Challenge!  After another week of wonderful responses from all of you to the theme of Field, my challenge was to select another new theme.

As the quantify of these challenges grows, it becomes ever harder to come up with unique themes that fit with my idea of providing multiple directions for responses to the challenge.  This week’s theme of Row has a number of possibilities, as it can denote a line of people or items, a street, propelling a boat with oar(s), a quarrel, and I’m sure there are others that haven’t come to my mind yet.

Open your creative minds to row through the waters of ideas!  I’m excited to see what fantastic posts you’ll generate in response to this week’s theme!

Here are a bunch of posts, standing in a row…

20150131-Landscape_57A0838Beached Order

This image is from near the…

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