Induction Diet For Adkins Weight Loss Plan

The induction diet is the start of the Adkins Weight Loss Plan.  The Adkins plan requires restriction of the consumption of carbohydrates.  During the induction phase of the diet, carbohydrates are kept to a bare minimum in order to start the ketosis process.

The induction diet is the most important phase of the Adkins diet.  Do not skip this part because the entire weight loss plan depends on successful implementation of induction.

The idea behind the Adkins diet is that if you replace carbohydrates with protein, you will burn fat rather than muscle.  It is a severe weight loss plan and requires that you follow the rules to the letter. This is especially true during the induction diet portion of the plan.

You will find that induction is the hardest part of the Adkins diet.  There are two reasons for this. First, you will miss your daily dose of carbohydrates the most when you first give them up.  Secondly, you have the fewest carbohydrates – only 12 carbohydrates a day – during this phase. For instance, nuts are allowed later on in the Adkins plan, but during the induction diet, they are prohibited.

During the induction phase, you can eat as much of specific foods as you want.  For instance, all fish, fowl, shellfish, meat, and eggs are allowed. You are also allowed a small amount of vegetables – up to 12 carbohydrates worth.

Because there are limited foods that you can eat during the induction diet, it is very important to have a book or computer program which gives you the amount of carbohydrates in all plant based foods. 

You should not eat any packaged foods during this phase of the Adkins diet.  Almost all packaged foods have a good deal of carbohydrates and are sure to be induction diet busters.

You should also plan your meals carefully to ensure that you are getting a wide variety of types of food.  If you do not plan ahead, you may find yourself becoming bored with the types of food you are allowed. This will lead to cheating.  After all, you do not want to eat bacon and eggs or steak at every meal.

Unlike other diets, if you fall off of the Adkins diet, you cannot simply start again the next day as if nothing had happened.  This is because the Adkins diet is all about conditioning your body to invoke ketosis. This is necessary to switch your body from just losing water weight to start burning fat.

You can stay on the induction diet portion of Adkins for as long as you want in order to maximize weight loss or fat burning.  However, the plan recommends that you stay on induction for at least two weeks.

After induction, you can begin to add more carbohydrates into your diet, but only in the form of vegetables.  Nuts are also allowed in small quantities after completing the induction diet.

Adkins is not an easy diet to follow.   Buy many people have experienced tremendous weight loss success on the plan.  You start Adkins with the induction diet and go from there.

Green tea benefits: Tried and Tested

Green tea has been around for quite some time now. The Japanese are particularly keen on consuming, what, a liter of the stuff a day? If you notice their society, which is a green-tea guzzling one at that, they’re pretty strong and healthy. Heck, if you even look over their broad range of media, ranging from traditional classic movies to modern animated media, you’re bound to find more than your fair share of tea-drinking scenes. 


And you’ve got to wonder: what is it about green tea that obsesses a nation?


Scientists have asked that question too, and they’ve come up with some pretty interesting materials attesting to numerous green tea benefits:


  • Cancer – green tea has been linked to lower cancer rates in population-based studies. Scientists suspect that something called ‘polyphenols’ in green tea help to prevent the outbreak of cancer in the body.


  • Free Radicals – This is where the most special of green tea benefits shine: antioxidants. These little puppies are responsible for keeping your body clean of the effects of free radicals, and green tea has lots of them. 


  • Weight Loss – yes, you read it right: weight loss. Green tea works to help increase the fat-burning capabilities of your body, while preventing your intestinal track from absorbing excess cholesterol. 


  • Heart disease – remember the properties of green tea that helps prevent the intestinal track from absorbing excess cholesterol? Less cholesterol also means less chances that your heart will get coated in a layer of fat, so the risk of coronary heart diseases is lowered. 


  • Diabetes – One of the more important of green tea benefits is its ability to control and regulate your body’s absorption of sugar. This is especially important for people with diabetes type 1, where insulin levels are insufficient to control the sugar in blood. 


  • Liver-care – another interesting aspect of the green tea benefits is its ability to ‘flush’ the toxins out of your body. And one particular organ in your body that’s responsible for filtering the toxins out of your body is your liver. Green tea helps clean up your liver by absorbing the heavy metals and other nasty stuff in your blood that pass through the liver. 


  • Relaxing – of course, it’s not just about the chemicals too. Taking it easy and sipping a cup of green tea as you stare into space helps you calm your mind and collect your thoughts. This is one of the less obvious, but equally helpful, of green tea benefits.  


Of course, no one can blame you if you might be a bit skeptical about these green tea benefits. It has all the makings of bogus medicines being sold in a shady corner. If that’s the case, feel free to search for scientific researches from around the world about tea. You’ll find all these benefits (and much more) if you look hard enough.


And besides, people have been drinking green tea for thousands of years. That means there’s something definitely good about it, right?

Your Daily Word Prompt – Remnant -September 8, 2019

Your Daily Word Prompt

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Daily Prompts – Words and Images

To participate in This Daily Prompt, all you have to do is publish a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt. It can be words, images anything that you like. Put the link (listed below) in your post to create the automatic pingback. You can leave a link to your post in the comments if you wish.

Today’s Word:           Remnant

Please link to this prompt in your post by using this URL link in the text of your post or at the end of your post:

Make sure to check out the comment links and pingbacks to view other posts inspired by today’s prompt.

Thank you and happy blogging. 


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