What’s Inside Your Cup of Tea: The Benefits of Tea 



For the past years, much has been revealed about the benefits of tea. It is branded as a “wonder drug” by many and whether it is true or not is still a controversy in the health industry. Though going back to ancient times, tea has already been used by many countries especially in Japan, China, England, and India to name a few. 


The buzz about the benefits of tea is becoming more and more complex that it can no longer be ignored. Testimonies after testimonies of people who are discovering the health effects of tea can no longer be put to silence. Well, no one can actually deny the fact that countries who consume tea the most also have the most number of people who live the longest life.


Benefits of Tea in Aging


Tea is known to be rich in antioxidants which are generally known to combat the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of ageing. Experiment carried out shows that mice fed with tea display lesser signs of ageing than those which are just fed with water.


Benefits of Tea in Bone Strength


Tea flavonoids can help strengthen the bones. People who regularly drink green, black, oolong tea have higher bone mineral densities compared to those who are not tea drinkers. 


Benefits of Tea in Cancer Prevention


Tea is now known to be one of the best cancer fighting drinks in the world. Black tea and green tea top the list of teas which are beneficial to cancer prevention. The compounds found in teas are reported to help keep cells from turning malignant. Simply put, people who drink tea get lesser chances of getting cancer. 


Benefits of Tea in Lowering Cholesterol


Bad cholesterol levels can be lowered down by tea. In one research where patients are asked to eat healthy meals and drink five cups of tea, levels of bad cholesterol dropped up to ten percent. 


Benefits of Tea in Weight Loss


More people are looking for a cheaper and easier way to lose weight. Tea has made its way to the spotlight when research shows that it can increase metabolism hence reduces the chances of one gaining weight. Tea is also known to accelerate the burning of calories which includes fat calories. Aside from its weight loss benefits, tea diets encourage a dieter to exercise and eat well.


Benefits of Tea to the Heart


Tea drinkers have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and lesser chances of suffering from heart disease. Black tea is highly recommended to lower bad cholesterol.


Tea is one of the most consumed drinks in the whole world. Its benefits are many and differ from person to person and from tea to tea. Tea’s antioxidant polyphenols are known to combat many health ailments including cancer, blood clotting, high cholesterol level, allergies, and many more. Choose the best tea for your diet and reap the benefits of a healthy drink. Don’t forget to consult your doctor for advice on which one is right for you!


Zumba for the Beginner

Zumba is a widely popular workout program that incorporates Latin dance rhythms to provide you with an exciting workout experience. The movements in Zumba are easy to follow and classes are especially designed to accommodate beginners and those more advanced.

If you have never tried Zumba classes then start with a Zumba basic class. This will allow you to become familiar with the various songs, the rhythms and the moves of Zumba. Some basic classes will have you practicing without using any music. This way you can really understand the principal movements first. Then once the music is turned on you will see that you can move to the music more easily. 

If you find the basic level of Zumba too hard or awkward to do then you can try taking a Zumba Gold class. This level is designed for the true beginner and for those individuals whose skills are lacking because of inadequate strength and flexibility. 

In fact, Zumba Gold is perfect for senior citizens and many who have participated have enjoyed seeing their strength levels and balance return. 

Zumba is very easy to follow and can be a more relaxed or more intense workout. This all depends on how hard you wish to dance. The actual Zumba movements are very fluid and this combined with the Latin music allows people to really enjoy their dancing session. Many people report finding a Zumba class more fulfilling than a traditional aerobics class. 

As a beginner you only need to attend class two to three times a week. Most Zumba classes will last for an hour and you can easily burn lots of calories during this time. As well Zumba classes are a wonderful way to socialize and learn more about the origins of the music and the history of the dances. 

All you need to get started with Zumba is some comfortable shoes and loose clothing. It is highly recommended to drink some water before and during the class. Many fitness clubs will allow you to take a Zumba class for free before signing up for a long term commitment. 

When looking for Zumba classes look for a location where they have several levels. This way if you progress faster than you expected you can move up into a more advanced class. Or you can simply dance at a more intense level to derive even more benefits from your workout. 

Your Daily Word Prompt – Laugh – September 22, 2019

Your Daily Word Prompt

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Daily Prompts – Words and Images

To participate in This Daily Prompt, all you have to do is publish a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt. It can be words, images anything that you like. Put the link (listed below) in your post to create the automatic pingback. You can leave a link to your post in the comments if you wish.

Today’s Word:              Laugh

Please link to this prompt in your post by using this URL link in the text of your post or at the end of your post:


Make sure to check out the comment links and pingbacks to view other posts inspired by today’s prompt.

Thank you and happy blogging. 


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Rites of Passage: A mother’s grief — Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo


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10 Unique Greeting Cards For Book Lovers 📚 #Bookish #BookBlogger — BlondeWriteMore


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