Your Zumba Questions Answered

Zumba is extremely popular and millions of people have experienced the fun and fitness benefits of this dance style. Zumba is a unique dance program and one that comes with a rich history. The dances are fun to perform and allow you to easily burn tons of calories. 

What is Zumba?

Zumba uses hypnotic Latin music along with easy moves that provide you with a very effective workout program. The dances help you de stress yourself along with burning fat. The aim of Zumba is to provide participants with an enjoyable and fun workout. Zumba is a type of workout that you will want to come back and do time and time again. Many people say that they find their Zumba classes addictive because of the body energizing movements. 

The dance movements of Zumba incorporate interval training with both slow and fast rhythms. Resistance training helps to sculpt and tone the body and allows individuals to lose weight quickly. Both international and Latin music is used to give uniqueness to Zumba classes. 

What Clothing is Required for Zumba?

There is no special clothing that you need for Zumba. Basically you should wear clothes that are comfortable and breathable. You can wear dance shoes or a gym or tennis shoe. Make sure your shoe allows your foot to move easily especially from side to side. 

There are some formal Zumba classes where members dress in Latin style clothing to really get inspired by the dances. 

What Does Zumba Offer?

Zumba is associated with the Aerobic & Fitness Association of America as well as other leading fitness organizations. There are workshops available for anyone wishing to become a Zumba instructor. The Zumba Basic Skills Instructor Training workshops were put into place by many countries around the world including Mexico, Spain, Italy and the UK. To teach senior citizens you would need to take a Zumba Gold workshop. 

What is a Typical Class Like?

Most Zumba classes last for one hour and is based upon interval training. Class members get to alternate low and high intensity exercises. The changes in intensity are controlled by the musical rhythms and steps of the dances. This is why Zumba classes are perfect for both beginners and advanced dancers. 

Everyone starts off by performing a warm up session. Then routines are done which incorporate different styles of dance including flamenco, meringue and salsa. Each person performs the movements to the best of their fitness ability. Once the dance movements are completed a cool down and stretching session is done. 

It is recommended to attend a Zumba class at least twice a week if you are looking to increase your fitness level and lose weight. 

The Dangers of Tanning Explained

Unfortunately, despite warnings, too many people continue to tan.  Many still believe that having a tan makes them look healthy, but it is actually the opposite.  


A tan indicates that your skin is trying to protect itself when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.  This UV radiation is what contributes to premature aging such as wrinkles, cataracts in the eyes, skin cancers, and altered immune systems.  


What kinds of UV radiation exist?


There is UVA, UVB, and UVC radiation.  UVA is the longest wavelength, and UVC is the shortest wavelength.  UVC is not a concern when it comes to tans and sunburns, as most of it gets absorbed by the ozone layer before getting to the earth.  


What does UV radiation do exactly that it causes so much damage?


The UV radiation penetrates the skin, which can damage and cause mutations in the cells of the skin.


UVA penetrates the skin more deeply than UVB, but both are dangerous for the cells of your skin.  Studies have shown that both types of rays are responsible for contributing to the aging in people’s skin and eyes, as well as resulting in skin cancers.  


UVA rays are now known to be even more dangerous than originally thought, even though UVA has been known as the one associated with tans, and UVB with getting sunburns.  


What do tanning beds use?   


Tanning beds often emit high levels of UVA, even higher than the sun emits.  Despite tanning salons telling their patrons that tanning this way is safer, it actually is not.  


In particular, children and teens need you to teach them these dangers as they are at even more risk.  Because their bodies are still growing, it puts their cells in even more danger of mutations.  


But what about Vitamin D?


Vitamin D is produced in your body when you are exposed to the sun’s rays.  


It is especially important in preventing osteoporosis (weak, brittle bones), but it is also important in improving your immune system functioning.  Those living in northern climates are more at risk of Vitamin D deficiencies. You can get Vitamin D from some food sources, as well as supplements.  


However, many people still believe, and many salons will try to convince you that tanning is a healthy way to get your Vitamin D.  


Fortunately, a study done at St. John’s Institute of Dermatology, King’s College London, has shown that you can still get adequate levels of Vitamin D by slathering on sunscreen with an SPF 15.  Some (but not all – that is why it is still recommended you use sunscreen) of the UVB rays pass through the sunscreen, thus allowing your body to produce Vitamin D.  


In summary, tanned skin does not represent health.  It is the body’s way of trying to protect itself from UV radiation.  Whether you use the sun to tan or use tanning beds, you are putting your body at risk.  If you want to ensure you get adequate Vitamin D levels, it is healthier to take supplements.  

5 Dishes for Game Day Good Eats! — What’s for Dinner Moms?


Looking for a few game day treats for your friends and family or a gathering of teens? Any of these 5 dishes can make your gathering a hit! Looking for something hearty yet simple? These Italian Sandwich Sliders on Hawaiian Rolls (click for link to recipe) are a perfect game day treat. I don’t know […]

via 5 Dishes for Game Day Good Eats! — What’s for Dinner Moms?



Hello everyone! The autumn equinox is just two days away. Which means autumn will officially begin in the northern hemisphere from Monday! So let the prompt for 21st September, 2019 be “AUTUMN”!

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Your Daily Word Prompt – Qualm – September 21, 2019

Your Daily Word Prompt

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Daily Prompts – Words and Images

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Today’s Word:             Qualm

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Thank you and happy blogging. 


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